Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow in Alabama & Ready for Olympics !

I am sitting here on Ready, Set, & Go !!! I am putting away the Memorial Sampler, I was working on, and getting my other projects ready to start tonight !!!

Just a little picture of my grandson in our little snow storm here in Alabama. It is bad
when you can go out in the snow in Alabama in a Jogging suit!!! lol... It was not cold.


  1. What a sweet little boy!!! I bet he was thrilled with the snow. It ended up staying just north of us, but we are happy with the extra day with the kids anyway. :-)

  2. April-I wish we had got some of that snow down here in NW Florida. I've been meaning to ask you, even though I know there is more than one April from Alabama, did you use to post on the old AOL boards and model stitch for JCS magazine? And yes I know the world isn't that small but it dawned on me we might know each other from way back in the day!
